Having a swimming pool can be a great boon during those summer months. However, it is essential to clean and maintain the pool regularly to enhance its elegance. You need to spend a whopping amount of $84-$278 for cleaning the pool every week. It is because a major part of the amount goes to purchasing the pool supplies and chemicals. Thus, use of pool products can burn a huge hole in your pocket.
You will be amazed to know that you can opt for a plethora of Household items for cleaning the pool. These products are available at local department stores and they have the most affordable prices. In addition to being affordable, they are known to be highly effective to clean the swimming pool properly.
If you are planning to choose these Household items for cleaning the swimming pool at your home, you need to keep in mind that they are effective for the chlorine-based swimming pools. In case you make use of any pool maintenance system such as salt pool water system or the oxidizer, they may not be of any use.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is used on an extensive scale to bake, cook and remove the unwanted odors from the fridge. If you have baking soda at your home, you can make use of the product for enhancing the alkaline level of the pool water. It is because baking soda is composed of sodium hydrogen carbonate, also referred to as sodium bicarbonate which plays an indispensable role to increase the alkalinity of water.
A wide array of pool owners makes use of baking soda for the removal of black and yellow algae, which is present in the water of the swimming pool. It is effective for the cleaning of the above ground pool as it is considered to be gentle on the vinyl walls of the pool.
The baking soda, you have at your home is known to have a similar concentration, as the one, which is present in the pool supply store. Thus, you can be ensured that your swimming pool is going to have the right concentration.
Add 1.5 lbs of baking soda for every 10,000 gallons of water as needed. It is recommended to purchase the chemical in bulk or big bags of 5 lbs or more and it will help you in saving a lot of money.
However, you need to remember that though you can make use of household baking soda for cleaning the pool, you should refrain from using the more expensive pool version to bake or cook.
Muriatic Acid
Muriatic Acid is regarded as one of the crucial pool chemicals which are useful in reducing the alkalinity of the pool water. It also prevents the build-up of minerals and bacterial bloom in the water of your swimming pool.
You can find this product as the household cleaner in home depot centers and hardware stores. This product is considered to be highly effective and opting 10 ppm for every 10,000 gallons of water is sufficient to clean the pool.
However, you need to keep in mind that it is acidic and thus it may result in burning the skin if you do not handle it properly. The fumes can lead to major respiratory issues which can prove to be lethal if you do not treat it immediately.
Sodium hypochlorite is considered to be the primary ingredient in Bleach. It is the same component which is present in the expensive pool shocks. Thus, it has become the prime choice of people who do not want to spend on pool products to sanitize the pool.
In addition to being affordable, the household bleach reduces the total amount of calcium precipitation in the water of the pool. Hence, a bunch of people opts for this product to get rid of hard water problems. You are going to reap more benefits as you will be able to get the advantages of two separate chemicals by using a single product.
You need to adopt the unscented and regular variety of household bleach. In addition to having a floral-scented pool, you may find that the components used for scenting the bleach might not blend in the water of the swimming pool properly.
Also when using bleach as your chlorination method, I recommend purchasing at least 6% bleach. Some brands may only be 3%. While both will do the same job, the lower bleach levels in some bottles will require double the amount for the same affects.
Borax happens to be another common household product which is used for cleaning the product effectively. Borax is composed of a refiner natural mineral, referred to as sodium tetraborate pentahydrate. You need to add about a half cup of the detergent booster in each 10,000 gallons of pool water or as needed.
The pH level of water should be within the range of 7.2-7.8. The use of borax plays a vital role in enhancing the pH level of your pool. You need to opt for a small dosage of the product for reducing the growth of the algae. The primary component of the product helps in diminishing the ability of the algae blooms and processing carbon-di-oxide.
Vitamin C Tablets
If you find that the sides of the swimming pool have been stained, you may opt for vitamin C tablets. These tablets ensure that the members of your family do not get sick. They are also considered to be highly effective in removing those stubborn stains. All you need to do is crush a few vitamin C tablets and rub them on those stains on the sides of the swimming pool. However, you need to make sure you use sugar-coated tablets. Capsules and gel tablets are not going to work.
Liquid Dishwashing Soap
You can make use of liquid dishwashing soap for finding the leaks and cracks in the pump lids and plumbing system of your swimming pool in which the microbes and debris may enter, thereby contaminating the pool water. Thus, it is effective in preventing damage to the plumbing system of the swimming pool.
However, you will not be able to use this liquid dishwashing soap for cleaning the swimming pool.
Add warm water to three-quarters of the liquid dishwashing soap. Make sure to swirl the bottle containing the mixture to ensure that the liquid soap does not blend with water for forming the soapy water.
You can spray the soapy water on the lid of the pool pump, fittings, and pipes. In case you detect the formation of bubbles, it is an indication that a crack is present in the specific area which should be fixed.
Old Panty Hose
If you have old pantyhose at your home, you can place them in the skimmer basket of the pool. They play a vital role in removing those fine debris such as human hair, hair of your pets, grass and any other debris that is present in the water of the pool before they reach the filter of the pool.
It also plays a vital role in enhancing the longevity of the DE grids, filter cartridge, and thus you do not need to spend your money while replacing them.
You will be surprised to know that you can make the best use of this beverage for cleaning the pool. You can use it for cleaning the metal railings as well as the fixtures, present in the swimming pool. Phosphoric acid happens to be an integral constituent of this beverage which helps in loosening and filtering the pool.
In addition to this, it is also efficient in keeping the metal fixtures of the pool shiny. You need to mix two liters of this beverage in the water of the pool, close to the metal fixtures.
Tennis Balls
Even if you’re not a tennis fan, tennis balls are an effective means for cleaning the swimming pool. It is because the fibers, present in the tennis ball can absorb the oil residue, which is present in the water of the pool after swimming. Thus, you can make the best use of these products to remove the makeup, hair products, suntan lotion, and the natural products which are produced by the skin.
All you need to do is throw a tennis ball or a few in the pool and let it do its job while bobbing there. However, you need to ensure that your pet stays indoors so that they do not come near the pool while the ball is floating on it. Else, there are chances that they may dive for fetching it, leading to devastating results.
Milk Jugs
During the winter season, it is common that the above-ground pools are destroyed heavily. They suffer immense damage to the development of water leaks once you close the area around the pool and a heavy snowstorm follows. It is essential to keep the water in the pool at the time of closing the pool as the water of the swimming pool exerts pressure which is useful in keeping the walls of the swimming pool upright.
As there is almost no water in the swimming pool and leakage occurs at the same time, the walls tend to be weak. As it is combined with ice and heavy snow which tend to get accumulated on the winter cover, your swimming pool is all set to encounter heavy damage.
For the prevention of this scenario you should prevent using wire cable, which comes with the cover of the pool as the cables may lead to pulling down of the walls.
You need to place the milk jugs around the swimming pool, after every few feet of distance. Next you need to secure the milk jugs to the eyelets of the pool cover with the aid of string or rope. This ensures that the cover does not get pulled up, thereby saving the collapse of the walls of the swimming pool.
Plastic Broom
Plastic Broom happens to be one of the common household products which are being used on a wide-scale for cleaning the home. They are effective in removing the dirt and dust present in your garage and home. In addition to this, it is also useful in loosening and sweeping the debris present in the pool. Thus, vacuuming the bottom and sides of the swimming pool becomes easy.
If you are planning to purchase plastic broom to clean the swimming pool, you should opt for the one – used for removing the cobwebs from the ceiling of your home. The bristles of these brooms are known to be sturdy. In addition to this, the handle of these products are of high durability, in comparison to the ones, used to sweep the floor.
White Vinegar
It is common to find the build-up of calcium around the waterline of the pool. Though it does not cause any specific harm to the swimming pool, it is needless to affirm that it looks really bad. To get rid of the situation, you can make use of vinegar for getting rid of the buildup of calcium.
All you need to do is combine half vinegar solution and half water and the combination is highly effective in removing the white streaks, which tend to deteriorate the look of the pool. You can also opt for vinegar for the restoration of the shine to the metal surfaces. In case you do not have vinegar in stock, you can opt for rubbing alcohol as an alternative and it works pretty well.
Olive Oil
At times, the swimming pool may have the stubborn patch of sticky residue or tree sap which do not want to come off. To remove these stains, you need to grab olive oil. This product breaks down the build-up of these harsh stains easily. And thus, you will be able to remove the sticky residue with the aid of soapy water and clock.
Olive oil is known to be completely natural. Furthermore, it is gentle on the majority of the materials. Thus, you do not need to think about the damage of the covers or the vinyl lining of your swimming pool.
Lime juice
If you are willing to add to the shine of the metal surfaces or you intend to get rid of that stubborn rust, lime should be your go-to option. The natural acidity of lime plays a vital role in the removal of the buildup of rust which is formed in the swimming pool.
For cleaning the same, you need to blend one cup of lime juice with sufficient salt for creating slush like liquid. You should opt for the natural cleaning solution for the treatment and scrubbing of rust, formed on the surface of the metal.
You can also make the best use of the lime juice for the removal of calcium buildup in the swimming pool. You can make use of baking soda paste which is formed by combining water and soda for pre-treatment and loosening of the rust. As you use lime after using this pre-treatment, you will be able to add shine to the metal surfaces, around the swimming pool efficiently and effectively.
Rubbing Alcohol
If you think that you need to clean your swimming pool today, but do not have vinegar or lime in stock, rubbing alcohol seems to be the next best choice. Rubbing alcohol acts as the first aid antiseptic. It also has effective germ-killing properties. Thus, you can make the best use of this product for cleaning your swimming pool.
It is considered to be an excellent choice for cleaning the shining surface of stainless steel. It is also effective in removing the sticky residue, formed along the sides of your swimming pool. To clean the swimming pool with the aid of rubbing alcohol, you need to make use of fifty to seventy percent of the diluted rubbing alcohol.
Simple Green
It is regarded as an eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaner which has earned a high reputation in the past few years. People use it across different industries and even at homes for removing the stains. You can opt for this product to remove the residue and stain around your pool. It is also vital in the effective treatment of rust, and oil degreasing.
This cleaner is known to be non-caustic and thus it is considered to be a safe choice to clean the vinyl liners and covers of the swimming pool. However, you need to keep in mind that this product is highly concentrated. Hence, you should use it in the ratio of 1:1, where you need to add one cup of water to one cup of the product. According to the manufacturer, a ratio of 1:30 is a prerequisite for a lighter cleaning whereas for heavier cleaning, you need to opt for the 1:10 ratio.
Melamine Sponge
Also referred to as melamine sponge, it is one of the popular household items which can be used for cleaning the swimming pool. It possesses powerful cleaning power. To use this product to clean the pool, you need to dampen it. You do not need any sort of cleaners or chemicals for the purpose.
These products are effective in removing the sticky residue and stains, present in the majority of the surfaces of the swimming pool. However, it may scratch. Hence, it is recommended to test the same in a small spot before you scrub the complete area around the pool.
They are considered to be the most essential and cost-effective pool cleaners, available in the market. If you have a vinyl pool chair, you can choose these products to make that furniture look like new.
Draining and filling with softened water
Adjusting Hardness
For adjusting the hardness of the water, you need to drain a specific portion of the water of the pool. The hardness of water differs in a small region. You need to test the water with a test strip for determining the hardness of the water. You need to fill a specific part of the pool water with soft water for reducing the hardness.
Tap water is regarded as one of the major water softeners which play a vital role in reducing the hardness of the water. However, you should refrain from adding it in an excessive amount as it may reduce the hardness of the water to a detrimental level and you will need to opt for harness increaser again.
It is recommended to test the level of hardness of water every seven days. During the time, the minerals are known to bind along with the chemicals for the formation of large molecules which flush out of the swimming pool via the filtration system. If you find that the hardness of water is still high after a week, you require re-treating the swimming pool.
If the water of the swimming pool has adequate calcium hardness, you can dilute the same. In the process, you need to drain and refill the pool with the aid of softer water. It is considered to be one of the easiest and best options for reducing the calcium hardness of the pool.
The prime goal of adding pool chemicals is ensuring that the pH of the water does not go down or up drastically. They function as the buffer and absorb any kind of major changes to the water. For keeping the alkalinity of water steady, you can add a wide array of household products.
If you find that the pH level of the water in the swimming pool is within the range of 7.2-7.8, you can reduce the same by the addition of muriatic acid. Borax or soda ash, on the other hand, is useful in enhancing the pH level of water in the swimming pool.
The alkalinity level of the water in the swimming pool should be in the range of 80-150. To reduce the level, it is recommended to use muriatic acid whereas baking soda is considered to be the best option for raising it.